Working in various environments gave me a new level of creative freedom...!


The idea has been two years in the making. In California, especially Los Angeles, everything is distance. We call a location 'close by' when it is less than 10 miles. Traffic in the morning and in the afternoon is often intolerable. So I learned to use my time creatively in my effort to avoid waste due to traffic. I would pull over, wherever I am and just work the rest of the day, before I get back on the freeway. I enjoy the idea of getting my MacBook,  getting the peripherals and just go my favorite Coffee Bean, or to a library to finish the idea. It's just my character. I realized that I have become very mobile. I discovered that I was more productive in certain environments and that gave me a certain freedom. So all I needed was to throw quickly all my needed digital 'stuff' in a safe case or a handbag and get out as soon as I feel like it. Convenience.

The slow and unsecured networks in certain places made me think a lot about speed and security. Think about privacy. Privacy. I also like things to be highly aesthetic at the same time possessing superior functionality. Form and Function has always been my credo for decades. I wanted to create a beautiful and easy to use elegant case for all my favorite digital items. I wanted to be able to take them to dinner or a cocktail and not look geeky. Elegance.

I wanted comfort, safety, privacy and elegance. All in one. I searched the market. Nothing. Many great brands offer some of the features I'm looking for - but none that had the qualities that I needed. I wanted comfort, safety, privacy and elegance. All in one. So I decided to create something that will work for me and others like myself. Everyone who would love to have a safe and secure mobile devices and protect their privacy while having the freedom to be creative wherever they want. Whenever they want. I also wanted to have my devices protected while they are in the case not only from a fall but also from being accessed by hackers or other hi-tech scanning devices. Hack proof and shockproof, in an inauspicious elegant facade. I wanted all of this in an inauspicious elegant exterior. I wanted comfort, safety, privacy and elegance. All in one.

So in 2015 I threw myself in intense research.

That is how StyleView line with RFID/EMF shield came to life. Followed by our Armadilo brand and GeoRay. Our Design lab is located in Southern California, while our partners are in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Shenzhen and Shanghai.  We are a wholesale business. We deliver innovation and quality. Stay connected for our presentation at the upcoming trade shows.                                                                                  

Tsvetana Yvanova, Design Director /Founder



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